The Sad Ghost Club, Find Your Kindred Spirits | Short Graphic Novel Review.

Saturday 9 January 2021

Written by: Lize Meddings
Illustrator: Lize Meddings
Genre: Comic, Graphic Novel

*I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

First and foremost let me introduce to Lize Meddings, back in 2014 she started making comics centered around a sad ghost, each and every comic related to topics that surrounded all things that went hand in hand with mental health, from the moment I found her comics I have shared strips to others that relate to topics we are going through or have faced. Lize has managed to capture the struggles that come with mental health in such a way that it opens the topic and it's less of a taboo subject. When I first found out about the book she was created I knew I wanted it and applied right away for the ebook through netgalley as well as pre ordering the book through Amazon, I knew that this book would be one I could relate to from her previous work.

Times are tough right now and it's been pretty hard to express my feelings but after reading The Sad Ghost Club I feel slightly better about how I feel and how I come across in this crazy world especially suffering with anxiety that comes in so many different forms. I find myself resonating with the main character so much that I can think back on so many times situations similar to those in the book have happened to me. Low moods often ruin my days and I end up taking hours to complete a single task, coupled with my chronic illness some days are just a right off, when I was in college I would find myself wanting to put off tasks for as long as possible some days and question whether or not my work would be any good much like SG these thoughts and feelings can take their toll leaving a person with tummy aches and wanting to crawl deeper and deeper into a hole, all alone.

The Sad Ghost Club book sheds light on how these thoughts can impact a person's life, Lize has managed to capture struggles of a day in the life of an anxious mind whilst expressing how the simple things can help. This book will be a great learning tool for those who want to have a better understanding of what a loved one is going through, it hits the nail on the head and delves into things that society deems ridiculous. I don't know about you but there have been times where people have told me to stop being so silly and just get on with it, whether that was me scared to make a phone call or leave the house, I go over events in my head constantly trying to figure out what is best to say and how the day will unfold for me which is exactly the same as SG in the book. 

The story centers around SG being invited to a party, but will their thoughts get in the way? who will they meet and who will want to speak to them? All these questions are normal and for some can be exciting but for SG can be very overwhelming, as we all know life oten throws us a curveball and it's up to us to take a chance on it. We find that SG' choice leads to meeting someone unexpected but will it end well? Why not read the book to find out for yourself, I won't be giving anything away! 

The illustrations have always brought The Sad Ghost Club message to life, they may be simplistic but they are bold and to the point where you can have an easy understanding of what someone is going through, it puts you in SG' shoes and takes you on their journey. By using black and white illustrations throughout the whole book it goes along with any emotion the character feels but bare in mind the book isn't all doom and gloom there are some parts that I found myself grinning out, because life with anxiety and depression isn't always rubbish. 

I highly recommend this as a book for everyone, children can also get a good understanding of why a parent or even themselves could be struggling from being read or reading this book themselves, Liz' messages have always been very relatable and hit the nail on the head. I read it pretty quickly in one sitting but I have read over it 3 times now due to me being a little all over the place since the start of the new year and events that happened in 2020 still hanging around my head. I would love to see what other situations SG faces and how they overcome them, in the meantime I may go through her other comics, if you want a copy, the release date is January 21st and it's available to pre order on Amazon and Waterstones.


Any hate will not be published.