Thursday 30 May 2024

Paper Trail | Fold the way! | Nintendo Switch Review.

Publisher: Newfangled Games
Developer: Newfangled Games
Nintendo Switch Review

*Disclaimer: I was sent the code for this game for PS4 in return for a review, all opinions are mine and mine alone.
As a kid I loved folding paper and making creations with …
Thursday 23 May 2024

The Quarry | PS5 Review

Publisher: 2K
Developer: Supermassive Games
PS5 Review
Give me a game that is similar to Until Dawn and I'm all over it. I held out on playing The Quarry at first because of lack of funds, luckily my partner got PS Plus Premium which i was able to…
Tuesday 14 May 2024

No Longer Home | PS5 Review.

Publisher: Fellow Traveller, Fellow Traveller Games Developer: Humble Grove PS5 Review
*Disclaimer: I was sent the code for this game for PS4 in return for a review, all opinions are mine and mine alone.

Life is constantly on the move and we are expecte…