Nintendo Switch Review
*Disclaimer: I was sent the code for this game on PS5 in return for a review, all opinions are mine and mine alone.
As a fantasy girlie, I get super excited about any aspect of fantasy. Mondealy gave me the vibes I needed. It is set in two different worlds that our main protagonist, Michael, can travel between. One world above the surface another world below the surface, I know what you're thinking, this sounds a lot like Alice in Wonderland and I guess you could say in a way it has some of the same characteristics, from being curious about what another world has in store to making friends with those in this world.

Michael is just an ordinary guy who ends up finding a secret entrance underneath a tower, While exploring he is knocked out and wakes up in a different place entirely, he soon discovers this isn't the human world and those around him are hybrid human creatures. The strange world he has been misplaced in is called Dargett, it has a rich and beautiful setting and looks straight out of a fantasy book. Hybrids dress very differently and their way of living is far from anything Michael would ever experience in the human world.

I found some characters to be more welcoming than others, they each had unique personalities. I say this because some games can make NPCs feel very generic and the same as one another, each one in Mondealy had its own story which we probably will never get to learn, but very different nonetheless. The main focus of the game is helping the princess, Michael doesn't know it yet but his role in all of this is more important than it first seems. Michael is free to travel to and from both worlds but has been choosing to explore what is in Dargett, the further in he gets the more tasks he is given. There is a lot of back and forth which helps players learn the map, I was an expert at knowing all the locations by the time I finished.

Along the way Michael finds collectibles, tapes and plushies, they're scattered in random locations and most are pretty easy to find. Some you can only find once you move on to certain parts of the story, there are 12 chapters to play through, and they're quite short to get through. my total play time was 5 hours 47 minutes, it will probably take people longer if they're trying to gather all the collectables/achievements as well as getting sucked into exploring every inch of the game you can just to see if you can find any strange goings-on.

The 2D picturesque world with an immersive catchy soundtrack hooked me in, my favourite thing about the way the world changed was when I went from the beach to the water district and the lighting dimmed, the music changed and I actually felt as if I was in a grimy nasty place. Uglycoal (developers) certainly took notice of detail when it came to making players feel they were part of the different districts within Dargett, I love that.
Controls are easy to grasp, I had no issues whatsoever with the pacing of the game or being able to read the writing. Ideally, this isn't a game for anyone younger than 18, due to the fact there are substances, alcohol and tobacco all mentioned and shown within the game, I would just be cautious about letting anyone younger play it. Mondealy is a great game to get cosy with, it's added to my list of recommended cosy games for all my friends and family.
Any hate will not be published.