Pets at home cat gift ideas.

Monday 18 November 2013

I am a huge cat freak, I am putting my hands up and admitting it because I have a crazy obsession with them. Not only do I love to treat my cats but i am also obsessed with buying cat clothes and accessories. So every year for Christmas i get the kitties Christmas presents because I can't for the life of me leave out these little fluff bums, they are family and deserve to be treated. I actually got Gizzy 2 years ago in October, she was meant to be a Christmas gift from an ex but we obviously broke up so I brought her myself, she has to be the best present I ever received and has changed my life since the day I got her, I can rely on her and she never left my side when I was severely sick from being pregnant last year, whenever I cry she comes and sits with me to make sure she is ok. These are one of many reasons I consider her a family member and why she deserves presents too! Last year I spoiled the cats with treats from Pets At Home and this year I will be doing the same, I have put together a little collage of treats and presents that my cats personally like and others cats may like too, check them out:

Cats love treats but sometimes too many will turn your cats into fatties, which has happened with Gizzy she is greedy and her eyes are bigger then her belly, what we do is give our cats these whiskers treats in the flavours chicken and cheese and salmon flavour, they go mental for them! They also get stick treats but these ones are Gizzys favourite.

These are activity toys, they are great for keeping kittens/cats running around and wearing them out and they keep them entertained for hours, Gizzy and Penni have the blue one called the cheese chase and love sticking their paws into the holes to make the balls roll around the circle, they are one of the best toys we have got the cats.

Toys attached to a string is always a toy that cats will love, cats love to jump and catch things so that's why these toys are so practical for cats. My cats love the ones with feathers on, they like to lick them to death it's a tad weird but what ever floats their boat!

Scratch pads are just as important as scratch posts, the cats have their posts put in a certain place so we decided it would a good idea to get some sort of scratch pads/toys and put them in other areas of the house for the cats too use that's why i got the giant scratch mouse above, Penni beats it up but the cats still use it.

When Penni was a kitten my mum got this fresh mint breath toy for her and she has had it ever since, she loves biting it and sliding it around the house the same with crinkle balls, we use to scrunch up tinfoil into balls and let the cats chase them until we found out Pets at Home did the scrunchy balls which the cats play with for hours (they can be a bit noisy but at least it wears them out).

So if you are clueless what to get your cat pop just have a browse in Pets at Home there is plenty of choice!


  1. lol..cute kitty!!
    look at her stare at the lens!

    1. Haha she hates taking pictures with me! Xx

  2. When I was a baby we got a little tortoiseshell kitten so she was only a couple months younger than me, but growing up we were inseparable and if I cried she'd come running to comfort me and for a long time she was my best friend. Probably the saddest day in my life when we had to have her put down at 19. Carrying the empty catbox as I walked home crying will be something I remember for a long time yet.

    1. Awww sweetie that's horrid :( it's lovely too see how much you loved each other though, I believe pets are family and not just animals xz


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